12 Μαΐου 2012

Εντολές Windows

Μερικές εντολές των Windows που μπορούμε να τρέξουμε από την γραμμή εντολών (cmd) ή από την επιλογή Έναρξη - Εκτέλεση. Δίνεται η περιγραφή και με τα έντονα γράμματα η εντολή που πρέπει να πληκτρολογήσουμε.

§         Add Hardware Wizard                  hdwwiz.cpl
§         Add/Remove Programs                appwiz.cpl
§         Administrative Tools                     control admintools
§         Bluetooth Transfer Wizard           fsquirt
§         Calculator                                      calc
§         Certificate Manager                       certmgr.msc
§         Character Map                              charmap
§         Command Prompt                        cmd
§         Component Services                    dcomcnfg
§         Computer Management                compmgmt.msc
§         Control Panel                                control
§         Date and Time Properties             timedate.cpl
§         Device Manager                            devmgmt.msc
§         Disk Cleanup Utility                       cleanmgr
§         Disk Management                         diskmgmt.msc
§         Disk Partition Manager                  diskpart
§         Display Properties                         control desktop
§         Display Properties                         desk.cpl
§         Driver Verifier Utility                       verifier
§         Folders Properties                         control folders
§         Fonts                                             control fonts
§         Local Users and Groups               lusrmgr.msc
§         Keyboard Properties                     control keyboard
§         Microsoft Paint                              mspaint
§         Mouse Properties                          control mouse
§         Network Connections                   ncpa.cpl
§         Notepad                                         notepad
§         On Screen Keyboard                    osk
§         Registry Editor                              regedit
§         System Configuration Editor         sysedit
§         System Configuration Utility          msconfig
§         System Information                       msinfo32
§         Task Manager                               taskmgr
§         Windows Version                          winver
§         Wordpad                                       write
§         Windows Explorer                         explorer
§         Windows Firewall                         firewall.cpl